Regolith Linux

Regolith is a modern desktop environment that saves you time by reducing the clutter and ceremony that stand between you and your work. Built on top of Ubuntu and GNOME, Regolith stands on a well-supported and consistent foundation.

Upon first login, an overlay (toggled anytime via super ?) presents the most important keybindings used with i3-wm.

For those that work in the terminal, pressing super enter is all it takes to get to business.

A single global app launcher is instantly available from anywhere to run your programs via super space.

Need more terminals? Create layouts on the fly by toggling between horizontal and vertical modes with super backspace followed by super enter. Navigate to windows positionally with super h j k l.

Toggle floating window mode with super F. Resize windows with super r and move them around with the mouse by pressing super.

Gnome Flashback provides consistent and simple system management. Tweak your UI, auto mount your USB drives, connect to wireless networks. Launch the control panel with super c.

Easily switch to Solarized or other looks with the regolith-look command. Because looks utilize the package manager, you only store theme resources that you're using.

Launch Transmission via the app launcher super space and manage files with Nautilus super N.

Got a lot going on? Quickly find the window you're looking for via super ctrl space or navigate over workspaces with super [0 - 19].

Waste no space on frivolous UI and take advantage of every pixel without micro-managing your window layouts.

Manage your notifications with an on-screen dialog by pressing super n.

Regolith is built on Ubuntu, providing a system that's up to date and stable.

What Makes Regolith Different

Thanks to…

Regolith is more curation than creation. Here are some of the notable people and entities that produced unaffiliated work independently from which Regolith is based.
Desktop UI
Desktop UI
Desktop UI
Proper Nouns