Manage a To-Do List

Create and manage a to-do list from status bar

td-cli is a command line todo manager written in Python 3 for organizing your todos across multiple projects.

Regolith, includes a status bar blocklet for accessing td-cli directly from the status bar. This blocklet can be installed as follows:

sudo apt install i3xrocks-todo

After installing td-cli you can access it via command line using td. The full documentation of td-cli's API can be found here. For example, let's create a todo list with a group name of Regolith, set it as the default project, and then add a new task to this group:

td ag regolith
td g regolith p
td a "Write a HowTo for td-cli"

Now, if you click on the td-cli blocket (on the left of the time blocklet) a floating terminal opens up:

You can add a keybinding for accessing td-cli's floating windows as well. You can add the line following to your i3 config file, for example, ~/.config/regolith/i3/config:

bindsym $mod+Ctrl+d exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal --class=floating_window -e 'td --interactive'"

Alternatively, you add these lines to your i3 config file, first:

set_from_resource $i3-wm.bindsym.1 i3-wm.bindsym.1 :
set_from_resource $i3-wm.bindsym.program.1 i3-wm.bindsym.program.1 :
bindsym $mod+$i3-wm.bindsym.1 exec --no-startup-id "$i3-wm.bindsym.program.1"

Then, add the followings to you Xresource file, for example, ~/.config/regolith/Xresources:

i3-wm.bindsym.1: Ctrl+d
i3-wm.bindsym.program.1: /usr/bin/gnome-terminal --class=floating_window -e 'td --interactive'

Última Modificación November 24, 2020: Copy todo howto to all languages (07cac3c6)