
This site contains the information to use the Regolith desktop environment. The content is structured in an order intended for new users, but feel free to skip around as you see fit. Feedback is always welcome and we appreciate any tips on how the documentation can be more complete, easy to read, and effective.


Before diving in it’s good to define some terms to avoid confusion.

Term Description
Keybinding A mapping between a set of key presses to a specific action performed by the desktop environment or application.
Desktop Environment A collection of software programs that used as a whole allow a user to interact with a computer using a keyboard, mouse, and monitor.
Bar A passive UI component typically placed at the top or bottom of the screen used to provide system information to the user.
Launcher An active UI component a user will invoke to perform an action, such as navigate to a window or launch a program.
Workspace A collection of windows all present together on the same computer monitor.
Window A program presents a graphical interface to users via windows. Some programs are text based and do not create windows of their own.
Window Manager A program that organizes windows on behalf of the user.
Tile Another word for a window used by tiling window managers.
Floating Window A window that does not share bounds with other windows in a workspace can be placed on top of them. This is the default layout for traditional window managers.

Table of Contents


What is Regolith?

Getting Started

Summary of installation methods for Regolith.

The Interface

Details about the Regolith interface


Customize Regolith to suit your needs


Some examples of how you can customize Regolith Linux


Reference material


Providing extensions and customizations to Regolith

Policy and Process

Rules and the ways we like to do things

Last modified February 6, 2021: Fix urls to older versions of site. (e9a8c62)