How To

Show your user how to work through some end to end examples.

More examples and tutorials are available in the Regolith Desktop wiki on GitHub.

Using the Terminal

This section provides examples of how to change Regolith to suit your needs. Most of them will specify commands to be run in the terminal. If using the terminal is new to you or you'd just like to refresh your memory, this guide from Ubuntu is recommended. Another tutorial from goes into some more advanced territory.

i3-wm User Guide

In addition to general command-line abilities, having a basic understanding of what options are available in the i3 user guide is recommended to get the most out of the interface.

Stage config files

Learn how to stage user copies of Regolith configuration files.

Change the super key mapping

Change the i3 config to use the Alt key instead of Super for keybindings.

Change the default terminal

Change which terminal Regolith loads by default.

Support multiple batteries

Display status of the batteries per instance.

Change the bar date/time format

Change the date/time format used in the bar.

Change bar status indicators

Make changes to the status indicators in the bar.

Change workspace labels

Change the workspace names as displayed in the bar.

Switch between Regolith PPAs

Changing Regolith PPA allows to get a different set of package versions.

Change the terminal font size

Change the font used in the terminal.