
How code changes make it to users

Regolith is distributed as a set of interrelated Debian packages. As of Regolith 1.5, there are packages for 3 releases of Ubuntu: bionic, focal, groovy . This page describes how code changes can be packaged such that users will get the updated code.


Debian is the packaging format and system used by Regolith. Just like Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian-based systems, the tools and workflow used to develop and update Regolith packages works in the same manner as those system. The general process:

  1. Produce some code change against an existing package. In Regolith, generally there is a repo for each package, but in some cases one repo may host several source or binary packages.
  2. Update the Debian metadata related to the change. This may just be a changelog entry, or could be more complex such as a new binary package, additional runtime dependencies, or updates to the build files which generate the executable code.
  3. Do local testing and then push updates to GitHub.
  4. Use a build script to generate the source package files.
  5. Upload the source package to, so it can be built and hosted on the Regolith unstable (or experimental depending on the level of change) PPA
  6. Test the package once it’s been uploaded on a Regolith system.
  7. Once testing is complete, the package is promoted to stable and then eventually release.

Basic Packages vs gbp Packages

Until recently, packaging was done manually in that no scripts were used. Recently, we’ve been moving to using the gbp tool which provides some nice productivity enhancements when packaging with git repositories. Branch names may differ based on if the package in question has been migrated yet.

Branch Conventions

  • If a package contains the package source and the debian metadata, then master represents the development branch. The Ubuntu version associated with a changelog entry is always the oldest supported, currently bionic. This is to comply with’s package copy policy.
  • If a package varies from one Ubuntu release to another, then branches are created for each required version, except for the most recent, which is master. Example branches:
  • If a package requires some github integration such that the package cannot be cleanly built on master, then a branch debian is used specifically for the package.


  1. In order to build packages locally, the debian build tools will need to installed. It is necessary to understand these tools, and how they work together to produce and verify a package. Read the guides here and install the software they specify.
  2. To push to a Regolith PPA, you will need to become an official contributor and have your keys added to the launchpad account to enable you to push updates. This is not necessary however to push to your own PPA. Check here to learn how to create your own PPA.


Add comment to i3 config

1. Checkout the regolith-i3-gaps package:

$ git clone
$ cd regolith-i3-gaps-config

2. Make a change:

$ echo "# Here is my comment at the end" >> config

3. Update the changelog to bump the version and describe your change:

$ dch

This will load an editor and create a new changelog entry. Here is what I added, yours will differ based on identity and configuration:

regolith-i3-gaps-config (2.4.15-1) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Added comment to i3 config file.

 -- Regolith Linux <>  Sat, 30 May 2020 20:10:27 -0700

4. Commit and push the change to the git repository:

$ git commit -am "Added comment to i3 config file."
$ git push origin

5. A shell script is used to build the source package for uploading to

$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd regolith-builder
$ ./ package-model-R1.4.2.json ppa:regolith-linux/ubuntu/unstable /tmp regolith-i3-gaps-config

After this script completes, the source package will be uploaded to for inclusion into the unstable PPA.

6. Verification

Go to the PPA page to see the current status of the upload. It typically takes 10 - 30 minutes for a package update to complete.


Once packaging building completes successfully, the binary packages will be available for users to download during any automatic or manual update process.

Last modified February 6, 2021: Fix urls to older versions of site. (e9a8c62)